5 Customer Service No-Nos

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Customer Service

Customer service positions are some of the toughest positions to properly handle for many people, because of the selfless requirements that come into play in such a career field. When you have to deal with others, whether it be in a face to face way or simply on the telephone, it is easy for our emotions, pride, and self preservation to kick into overdrive when dealing with an aggravated customer. There are plenty of things that can be added to a no-no list in this area, but I will limit it in this post to just a few things to consider when dealing with telephone customer service.

1. If you are having a bad day, that is fine, since everyone has a bad day here and there. However, as a customer service representative you have to not show signs of having a bad day. You are not allowed to show an attitude, or strike back, or argue, or complain, or any of the normal things people tend to do when having a bad day. Keep your frustration in check, keep a smile on your face, keep a pleasant tone to your voice, and do not let your bad day also become someone else's. And one rule to always, always remember - no matter how bad your day, no matter how angry the customer - never hang up on a customer.

2. If a customer calls and leaves a voice message, always call back within a reasonable amount of time. Even if you do not have an immediate answer, call them, acknowledge you received their call, tell them you are seeking an answer or solution to the issue, and give them an expected time frame you will be calling back. If that time comes and you have no solution yet, a friendly call telling them you are still working on it and it is taking a little longer than expected, is a great courtesy showing your customer care is above and beyond the normal. On a similar note as this, never ask a customer to call you back later because you are too busy to assist that the moment. Always take their number and phone them back at a later time (the same day preferably).

3. "Please" and "thank you" really are the magic words, and they should be used frequently, along with "you're welcome." Use them often, sincerely without a sarcastic tone, and without hesitation.

4. Remember who it is you are speaking with and use common words when dealing with customers. You as the insider, may be up with all of the latest lingo for your companies service, but do not use common in-house abbreviations or technical terms that have no real meaning to the customer. Speak to them and explain to them in terms they can understand.

5. When on the phone with a customer, do not eat, drink, chew gum, or any other task that requires a distraction for your mouth. Your telephone is a microphone that transfers noises to the customer, and it is rude sounding for them to hear you chewing or gulping when in a discussion with them.

Care to share some tips you've experienced? Comment below please.

Don't forget to check out my five other service no-nos.

Jeff McCormack resides in Virginia Beach, VA. where he works as a web designer by day. In his off time he is a husband, father, and musician. Aside from being a freelance writer for this Customer Service Jobs blog, he also seeks to assist in career choices and information by contributing to other Nexxt blog sites.

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